Dr. Ann-Christine Andersson Arntén & Professor Trevor Archer

As the world changes, policing needs to rise to the challenge, and change along with it.

Western police forces face similar problems with implementing change, effectiveness, and management. When driving reforms, the expected results are seldom realized. One factor, which stands out and may be the common cause of failure, is leadership. To be able to meet the demands of today, and the future, we thereby need to focus on leadership and its influences on the important asset in the police force – its employees. It’s time to leave the hierarchical top-down, command-control leadership behind and move in to the future. Only by doing so, can the police reach its goals.

One of the important cornerstones for to become one of those new winning leaders that will take the police in to the future is the skill to empower others and letting go of power. But to be able to empower others you first have to know what empower is and second you need to be empowered yourself. Onley when you have that inner strength you can give to others and dear to let go of power that comes with the roll of leadership. 

This film is a shortened version of the lecture Professor Trevor Archer held at a meeting with employees and customers at JobMatch Sweden in June 2015. Professor Archer talks here about empowerment – in theory and in practice.



Professor Trevor Archer, University of Gothenburg, Department of Psychology and Leader of the Swedish network of Empowerment. Professor Archer has worked the last ten years with exploring empowerment, how to develop and share empowerment and its effect on people.


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