Is there a way to change policing and make it work?
Future police management from four perspectives
Two practitioners, a researcher and a police commissioner (with twelve years as union president) in a common goal of making a more effective the police.
Chief of Police Mac Tristan, Coppel, Texas USA.
Police Inspector Johan Nilvé, Halland County Police, Sweden
Police Commissioner Jan Karlsen, National Board of Police
Dr. Ann-Christine Andersson Arntén, National Board of Police,
Network of Empowerment, Department of Psychology, University of Gothenburg*
As the world changes, policing has to change to meet new challenges. Reading international research, one soon gets the impression that the Western police forces face similar problems when it comes to implementing changes, effectiveness, and management.
In order of appearance the panel session will discuss changes in policing and what does work and what does not.
Former union president and now police commissioner at the Office of National Police Commissioner, Jan Karlsen has followed changes made during his years as president of the Police Union. His knowledge and thoughts of how policing and leadership culture when dealing with changes, open one’s eyes. (Unfortunately Jan Karlsen was unable to participate due to a family member that got acute sick)
Researcher, Dr. Ann-Christine Andersson Arntén, have made two qualitative and one quantitative study of police management. Through a quantitative study and interviews of police employees on all levels in both Coppell, Texas USA, and Swedish police districts she has established factors that enhance a learning work climate and the effects of leadership styles.
The biggest ‘assets’ in the police force are its employees. But do we use this ‘asset’ in the best possible way? A survey made by former police inspector and now at the human resource office, Johan Nilvé, found factors that help motivate sworn police officers to stay in force and improve motivation and commitment.
As stated above the employees are the force’s biggest assets. Chief of Police Mac Tristan, Coppell Texas USA, have been practicing a new participative leadership style and reorganized two police departments and thereby making the department more effective and a better place to work.
Together these four people will form a path for how to make changes possible, what to watch out for and how to form an effective police force and get motivated employees and thereby reach the effects expected when implementing new models of policing.
*Correspondence to Ann-Christine Andersson Arntén:
E-mail:; Mobile phone: +46 722027660
For the curious ones, take a look at Dr. Ann-Christine Andersson Arntén’s presentation What needs to be changed and what happens when it’s changed and Police Inspector Johan Nilvé’s presentation How to keep police officers on the field with retained motivation. And don’t miss Chief of Police Mac Tristan’s talks we wrote about earlier here and here, or simply watch the videos below.